Real Property Management Uintah

Deep Cleaning Your Ballard Rental’s Kitchen Between Tenants

At any moment a tenant moves out of a single-family rental home, it is essential to make it a point that the kitchen is not merely clean but should also be deep cleaned. Kitchens get grimy after months or even years of use, and moreover, even the more responsible tenants may just carry out a surface clean when they take off and move out. To captivate – and keep – your next tenant, you may have to meticulously clean every single feature of your Ballard rental property’s kitchen. It may be a labor-intensive work, but one that is well worth it.

To invite terrific tenants to your rental home in Ballard, you’d want to offer a property that is clean and in good repair. As prospective renters take a tour all throughout and observe the property, they would or would not observe if you have cut corners on cleaning the kitchen. But after they come and live there, you can rest assured that a dirty kitchen will be a major cause for complaint and a headache for you. Tenants expect a rental home that has, as a matter of fact, been correctly and thoroughly cleaned and will feel deceived and unhappy if they ascertain, far too late, that basic cleaning and maintenance tasks have not been brought about.

Deep cleaning a kitchen is hard work, however working on it will give you happy tenants as well as simultaneously extending the life of your surfaces, floors, and appliances. Various tenants will wipe down countertops and other surfaces just before they move out, but cupboard interiors also need to be wiped out and their exterior surfaces scrubbed with a grease-removing cleanser.

Refrigerators, dishwashers, and microwaves need to be wiped down, inside and out, on top and underneath. The rubber gasket around refrigerator doors should also be wiped clean and the coils vacuumed or dusted. Even self-cleaning ovens need the baked-on food and wire racks removed before turning them on, and electric stovetops should be taken apart and scrubbed down. All of these principal activities will boost to preserve your appliances and keep them operating accurately for many, many years to come.

When you are deep cleaning a kitchen, you should ensure to look out for the stuff that often gets overlooked on a day-to-day basis. Walls and ceilings need to be dusted and, if necessary, scrubbed with a degreasing cleaner. Air vents, doorknobs, and switch plates all need to be thoroughly cleaned, as does the stove hood, fan, and filter.

Blinds and curtains should be removed and washed, and the windows cleaned inside and out. Ceiling fans, light fixtures, and any framed art or wall décor should also be carefully wiped down. The final moves would be to scrub all countertops and other surfaces and mop the floors, including behind the stove and refrigerator. Greasy spills and other messes can accumulate under appliances, creating bad odors and attracting insects.

Thoroughly deep cleaning a kitchen is a labor-intensive concern, nonetheless, not one that you can just skip. That doesn’t mean that you’d want to fulfill it yourself, though. Real Property Management Uintah has excellent cleaning service providers on hand to take care of your Ballard rental property’s kitchen and other rooms. We’d really make it a point that your rental home’s kitchen is spotless from top to bottom. Contact us or call us at 801-889-1517 for more helpful advice and information.