Real Property Management Uintah

Foundation Care 101: A Landlord’s Guide to Long-Term Stability

To ensure your rental home’s long-term functionality, make sure the foundation is properly sealed and maintained. Moisture can infiltrate through wall or floor cracks, causing mold development and unsanitary living conditions. For this reason, foundation repair and sealing must be incorporated into your property management strategy.

A solid and watertight foundation is essential for the lengthy and profitable existence of a single-family rental property. Additionally, it can aid in preventing additional problems like pests or structural damage. Proactively preserving the integrity of the foundation of your rental property will safeguard your investment and guarantee the security and well-being of your tenants.

When to Repair Property Foundations

Now is the perfect time to seal and repair your property’s foundation in preparation for the winter months ahead. It is not advisable to begin foundation maintenance during a deep frost or after moisture has caused damage to the structure. Bad conditions could lead to shoddy repairs, which would expose your property to more harm. A small problem could grow into a big one down the road, so don’t overlook it!

The foundation of the property needs to be maintained, and it is not advisable to delegate this task to your residents. The owner has to be in charge of this. On occasion, even residents with the best of intentions may fail to perform routine maintenance. Failure to perform proper sealing and restorations can result in expensive repairs in the future.

Hire a Professional to Help with Foundation Repair

Despite your desire to solve the problem on your own, you must make sure the work is done appropriately or you risk doing more harm than good.

Sealing foundation cracks calls for the right skills and understanding. To properly seal the cracks, you must not only know the necessary procedures but also know when to do it.

A lot of the time foundation care is neglected, which can result in serious issues like structural problems, water damage, and mold growth. In order to prevent these issues from occurring, routine maintenance must be a top priority.

It is possible that doing so manually for the first time would not be the most efficient use of your time and effort when attempting to apply the foundation. It’s ideal to work with a professional that has the knowledge and tools needed to complete the task accurately and quickly. You can be sure that your property is secure and safe for your tenants by doing this, since the foundation will be kept up to date.

This is where Real Property Management Uintah can be a real asset to your investment strategy. Our staff makes sure that your foundation is maintained on a regular, rock-solid schedule. With the assurance that your investment is in capable hands, we commit our time and resources to ensuring your complete satisfaction. For more information about maintenance plans and other property management services, contact us online or call us at 435-214-4686 today!


Originally Published on Aug 31, 2018