Real Property Management Uintah

Pet-Friendly Gardens for Your Vernal Rental Property

If you permit your tenants to keep pets, it is imperative to ensure that your Vernal rental property is likewise safe for animals as it is for humans. Growing a pet-friendly garden does not have to be stressful or financially excessive. Although it could take quite a bit of study and a smart approach or strategy. A risk-free garden could enhance the magnificence of many single-family rental properties, especially for tenants with pets. Despite that no garden could be pet-proof – in particular for determined diggers – there are considerable things you can bring off to create and keep a safe and durable garden space on your rental property.

One of the most effective ways to start growing a pet-friendly garden is to carry out serious investigations regarding which kind of plants will be most suitable. Lots of plants are poisonous for dogs, cats, and other pets, so choosing safe plants is a good idea in case your tenant’s pet decides to take a bite. Assuming you have existing plants on the property, work on a thorough inventory of one and all (including the trees) to ascertain if there are any that could be toxic. In case you ascertain any, make certain to remove the entire plant and root structure. Do not use chemicals or poisons on the plants, as these can harm pets as well.

Once you have a clear awareness of which plants you want to incorporate in the garden, it’s time to design your area. Pet-friendly gardens oftentimes use features like sturdy border plants, planting containers, raised beds, and fences to control which parts of the yard the pet will be able to access. With the use of large, sturdy plants as a barrier around more delicate plants, these can keep pets from trampling and urinating in places you don’t want them to. Container gardening, especially hanging baskets and railing planters can help place garden plants out of reach. On that note, various inexpensive or decorative fencing could be of great value to encourage pets to use certain areas of the yard while keeping them away from others.

Other types of deterrents comprise integrating specific varieties of spices and pungent plants with smells that pets don’t like. Take, for example, rosemary, sage, and bitter orange plants that may keep a curious dog away due to their strong odor. Some experts recommend planting Coleus Canina, sometimes called Dogbane, in areas where pets aren’t wanted. For cats and some dogs, this plant has an overpowering smell that they recoil from. However, the scent is barely noticeable to humans.

Last, of all, it is critical to take into consideration what type of fertilizer you are using on your plants. Many varieties of fertilizer and even mulch can be harmful to household pets. Though you don’t believe your tenant’s pets to have unsupervised access to the garden, it’s ideal to err on the side of caution. By opting for non-toxic varieties of both fertilizer and mulch, you can support to create a pet-safe garden that your tenant will love.

With some simple planning and real creativity, you can design a beautiful garden that could really look splendid and, equally, safely withstand the ordinary activities of household pets.

When you partner with the team of Vernal property managers at Real Property Management Uintah, you can always see to it that tenants will be elated with a pet-friendly garden in their homes. Contact us online or call us at 801-889-1517 for more helpful details and information.